Statement of Purpose


Survey 500 seeks to ascertain the religious pulse of the Twenty First Century community towards God and religion.

Survey 500 is a volunteer survey the seeks to know people's beliefs towards God and religion and those who are non-religious.

Survey 500 also seeks to present the tenets of Christianity to all who care to hear them. Christian literature is provided to all who desire to receive it.

Survey 500 is completed in segments of 500, thus the title Survey 500. We believe these segments of 500 will depict the climate of today's religious culture as to faith and practice.

Survey 500 is open to anyone of any religion or non-religion who cares to participate. You can also receive a comparison of your personal survey to other participants, by checking question 8 on the survey.

The survey is completely confidential to all who participate unless you request something from us, then we would need your last name and address.

A sincere thank you to all who participate.

Rev. Charles Gower
Director -- Survey 500
Pastor Emeritus
Mt. Carmel Church
Glengary, West Virginia


 If you would like to contribute to Survey 500 ministry, your contributions are tax deductible. Send your gifts to Survey 500, P.O. Box 722, Shepherdstown, WV 25443